Calyx pubescent outside lobes semiorbicular, ciliate. Petals oblong, rounded at the apex.
Male flowers-Stamens inserted on the margin of the disc; filaments short, anthers oblong, rudimentary ovary small, subconical, slightly 3-toothed at the apex.
Female Flowers-Ovary globose, narrowed into a short stout style, glabrous; stigma large, trilobed.
Stamens inserted on the edge of the disc which is larger than the disc in the male flowers; anthers small, without pollen, ovate, acute or subtriangular.
Fruit : Capsule, subglobose, bright yellow, transversely wrinkled.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : May-November
Significance : An oil of some therapeutic value is extracted from the seeds and known as Black Oil.