Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Gujarat Forestry Research Foundation, Indroda Park, Sarita Udyan, Infocity
About Amaranthus viridis Plant :
Habit : Erect or diffuse annual unarmed herbs, simple or branched, 20 - 80cm tall.
Stem : Stems and branches grooved, glabrous, subfleshy, pale - purple.
Leaves : Long - petioled, alternate, broadlyovate - rhomboid, subacute or emarginated at apex, rounded, cuneate or tapering at base, entire, glabrous, petioles 0.8 - 5 cm long, glabrous, grooved.
Inflorescence : Spikes or panicles
Flowers : Very small, 1 mm long, green or purplish - brown, unisexual, lower ones in axillary clusters of about 4 cm long, upper ones in dense terminal spikes or panicles of about 12 cm long. Stamens 3.
Fruit : Utricles 1 - 2 mm long, indehiscent, acute, rugose, ovoid, with sub - conical scarcely exserted beak, wrinkled, outside.
Seeds : Less than 1 mm in diameter, black or brown, shining, smooth, with narrow margin on one side.
Flowering and Fruiting time : Almost throughout the year.
Significance :
It is used in treatment of urine troubles and skin diseases.