Stem : Branches long, pale terete, shining, glabrous, green or pale-blue.
Leaves : Petioled, thick, unequal, broadly ovate or rounded, rarely oblong, obtuse, sinuate, glabrous, cordate at base, young leaves white-pubescent; petioles stout, 1-2 cm long.
Inflorescence : Oblong pedunculate-racemes, axillary and panicled arising from the axils of smaller leaves, rarely from bigger leaves, 9-15 cm long, few-fid, often superposed.
Flowers : White, stamens not exserted.
Fruit : Club-shaped, green, having large glands around the crown, 1-seeded.
Seeds : White, glabrous, shining.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : August - December
Significance :
Root is effective on rheumatism and all sorts of swellings.
An infusion of the root is given in asthma and bronchitis.