Leaves : Radicle, simple, alternate, exstipulate, sessile, leaf base sheathing , very large, persistent, strap-shaped, tapering to a sharp point, entire, unicostate parallel venation.
Inflorescence : Racemose umbel of 2-20 or more flowers produced above the foliage over a well developed and stout scape, and subtended by two large spathaceous bracts.
Flowers :
Bracteate (bract filiform and linear), sessile or shortly stalked, large, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, trimerous, epigynous, cyclic, salver-shaped, white.
Perianth made up of 6 tepals, arranged in two whorls of three each, gamophylous, salver-shaped or funnel-shaped, with a long and cylindrical tube, 3-4" long, white, fragrant.
Androecium of 6 stamens, epiphyllous, inserted at the throat of perianth tube filaments long but shorter than the perianth segments, purplish red with whitish base; anthers dithecous, versatile, extrorse, dehisce longitudinally.
Gynoecium tricarpellary, syncarpous inferior, trilocular, two or more ovules in each locule, axile placentation; style long and slender, stigma capitate or three lobed and fimbricate.
Fruit : Capsule, subglobose, 1-2 seeded.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : August - November
Significance :
Cultivated in gardens.
The bulbs of this species are laxative.
Its seeds are used as purgative and diuretic.
Its leaves are applied in skin infections, and also as expectorant.