Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Ayurvedic Udyan, Van Chetana Kendra
About Justicia japonica Plant :
Habit : An erect herb.
Leaves : Ovate or oblong, sometimes linear, acute at base, petiolate.
Inflorescence : Dense axillary on terminal spikes.
Flowers :
Bright light purples, much broader and much hairy, bracteate, bracts elliptic, shortly acute, scarious-marginate, very hairy with glistening many jointed whitish hairs, green-keeled, bracteoles narrower, lanceolate, obovate, hairy with scarious and ciliate margins.
Calyx lanceolate, acute, hairy nearly to their base.
Corolla pale-pink to lilac, pubescent outside.
Fruit : Capsules oblong, scarcely mucronate, papery. Seeds rugose.