Habit : A large, much branched, pale-hoary, stout herb with stems stout, branches filiform, densely crowded, slender. The branches often bear globose villous falls, beset with linear leaves and caused by insect-puncture.
Leaves : Minute, fleshy, subglobose.
Inflorescence and Flowers :
Flowers minute, in very short cylindric spikes, formed by floral leaves which are long and imbricate, bracteoles 1 mm long, broadly ovate or obovate, fleshy.
Fruiting perianth as long as the bracteoles, silvery-white, oblong, rounded or obtuse at apex, wings symmetrical, rounded, membranous, horizontal, margins often overlapping.
Stigmas 2, recurved.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : November - December
Significance :
The plant is used as camel fodder, and manna is obtained from its leaves.
It has been used to obtain Sajji, a crude form of carbonate of soda.
The plant is used as a vermifuge. Its ashes are applied to itch.