Herbs are small plants having soft stem due to no significant woody tissue and possesses a height upto one metre.
Various Herb species recorded from the Gandhinagar city are 262.
Herbs are small plants having soft stem due to no significant woody tissue and possesses a height upto one metre.
Various Herb species recorded from the Gandhinagar city are 262.
Prince-of-Wales Feather, Prince's Feather
Tandaljo, Ukadi Bhaji, Varsad ni Bhaji
Kantalo - Dhimdo, Kantalo - Dambho, Prickly Amaranth, Thorny Amaranth
Dhimbdo, Green Amaranth
Blistering Ammannia, Tooth Cup, Aganbuti, Jalagio
Suran, Elephant's Foot
Blue Pimpernel, Kali Fuladi, Chanakchibhadi
Pineapple, Ananas
Lilu Kadu Kariyatu, Kalmegh
Narrowleaf Angelonia, Summer Snapdragon, Angel Flower
Western Hill Catmint
Gopati, Chodhari, Indian Catmint, Malabar Catmint