Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Indroda Park, Ayurvedic Udyan, Van Chetana Kendra, Aranya Van
About Barleria prionitis Plant :
Habit : Anerect shrub about 2 - 5 feet high, much branched, usually prickly.
Stem : Bark whitish, stems and branches terete or obsoletely 4 - gonous, glabrous.
Leaves : 3.5 - 7 by 1 - 2.5 inches, elliptic, acuminate, opposite, entire, bristle-tipped, entire, lineolate, glabrous above, glabrous or more or less pubescent beneath, base tapering into the petiole, main nerves about 5 pairs; petioles 0 - 0.75 inch long, becoming shorter upwards, usually with 3 (sometimes 2 or 4) divaricate acicular spines in the axils.
Inflorescence : Axillary or terminal spikes.
Flowers :
Sessile, often solitary in the lower axils, becoming spicate above; bracts foliaceous, oblong or oblong - lanceolate, acute, bristle - tipped, nearly glabrous; bracteoles 0.5 inch long, narrowly linear - subulate (almost spinous), bristle - tipped.