Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Gujarat Forestry Research Foundation, Indroda Park, Van Chetana Kendra
About Dichrostachys cinerea Plant :
Habit : A much-branched thorny shrub with bark light-coloured, furrowed; branchlets ending in spines.
Leaves : Bipinnate, main rachis more or less softly pubescent, with a small erect gland between each pair of pinnae, stipulate, ligules subulate from a triangular base, leaflets minute, sessile, 12-20 pairs, close, linear, oblique, subacute.
Inflorescence : Axillary or extra-axillary spikes, with the upper half of the spike yellow and the lower red.
Flowers :
Numerous with membranous calyx, long corolla. Stamens of the perfect flowers in the upper half of the spike yellow.
Staminodes in the lower half of the spike much longer than the stamens, red.
Fruits :
Pods 2-3, glabrous, flat, subarticulated, dark brown, twisted up when ripe.
Seeds 6-10.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : July-December
Significance : It is a beautiful flowered plant often planted along edges due to thorny nature.