Habit : An erect prickly shrub, densely covered with soft stellate tomentum, stem prickly, terete and prickles straight sharp.
Leaves : Sinuately lobed, acute at the apex, tapering at the base, prickly along the nerves, stellate tomentose on both sides, more densely on the lower side, petiolate, petioles tomentose prickly.
Inflorescence : Few flowered cymes, peduncles upto 4 cm long.
Flowers :
Lowest flower bisexual, the rest only males, pedicels 6-10 mm long, minutely prickly.
Calyx densely stellately woolly, prickly in the fertile flower.
Corolla violet in colour, glabrous, deeply lobed, stellate tomentose outside and inside along the midpetaline bands.