Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Gujarat Forestry Research Foundation, Indroda Park, Ayurvedic Udyan, Van Chetana Kendra, Basan
About Corymbia citriodora Plant :
Habit : A tall handsome tree with shining, whitish to reddish-greybark.
Leaves : Linear, lanceolate, greyish-green, acute at base, acuminate at apex.
Inflorescence : Axillary Panicles.
Flower :
White in colour.
Calyx tube bell shaped obconical, oblong, adnate to the ovary at the base, to form a conical hard, woody mass which is roofed over at the top by the sepals which form a cup.
Petals episepalous; forming a cap or lid, caducous.
Stamens many and are borne on the margin of receptacle, anthers small, style simple.
Fruits : Capsule (pyxidium) Ovoid, flattened at tip.