Habit : A dioecious, evergreen tree with branches spreading pubescent, bark grey, soft rough, lenticellate.
Leaves : Ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, rounded or obliquely cordate at base, crenate-serrate along the margins, hispid above, white tomentose beneath, petiolate, petioles pubescent, terete ventrally grooved, stipules deciduous.
Inflorescence :
Axillary, pubescent fascicled cymes, sometimes dichotomously branched cymes and longer than petioles.
Male cymes more compact than females and usually on different trees.
Flowers :
Sepals 2-3 mm long, elliptic-lanceolate.
Stamens 5, stigmas villous, reflexed in fruits.
Fruits :
Drupes ovoid or sub-globose smooth, purplish-black when ripe, crowned with reflexed cymes.
Seeds minute with membranous testa.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : August - January
Significance :
In old days the timber was used for making gun powder charcoal and as fuel.