Occurrence (Special Areas) :
Indroda Park, Ayurvedic Udyan, Van Chetana Kendra
About Argemone mexicana Plant :
Habit : Annual, prickly herb with yellow latex and branched tap root.
Stem : Erect, branched, woody at the base, solid, cylindrical, spinous, contains yellow latex.
Leaves : Ramal and cauline, exstipulate, alternate, simple, subsessile, semi - amplexicaul, margin lobed and spinous, apex acute, unicostate reticulate venation, both the surfaces are covered with many spines.
Inflorescence : Solitary terminal.
Flowers :
Ebracteate, pedicellate, complete, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, tri - or hetermerous, hypogynous, yellow in colour.
Calyx made up of 2 sepals, polysepalous, spinous, caudacous, bear a clear horn like outgrowth at their apex, twisted or imbricate, inferior and green.
Corolla made up of 6 petals, arranged in two whorls of three each (3+3), polypetalous, twisted or imbricate, yellow, each petal is obovate, caduceus, inferior.
Androecium made up of numerous stamens, polyandrous, arranged in many whorls, filament long, slender and yellow, anther dithecous, basiffixed and entrorse, dehiscence longitudinal.
Gynoecium tetra to hexacarpellary, syncarpous, superior, ovary covered with prickles, unilocular, many anatropous ovules on each placenta, parietal placentation, style reduced with 4 to 6 stigma lobes red.